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  • Writer's pictureMia K

Beautiful Thing

hands intertwined.

hearts beat as one.

eyes in reach to each others soul.

lips brushing close.

cheeks filled with pink sensation.



oh... US.

I remember the first time our hands touched, no...

clutch! yes, you were eager about this, tight but not tight enough.

I remember the first time our hearts raced as one, no...

stopped! yes, we just got done having our fight and in spite of

everything that went on that night the hearts of our bodies stopped

from the quick reality of the departure of our love from a car that was going 120mph.

I remember the first time our eyes saw each others souls, no...

knew! yes, it was on Christmas day where you told me you loved me

and that I loved you back.

I remember the first time that our lips brushed close, no...

lingered! yes, it was when we were in traffic in a taxi and as soon as

we were about to touch lip to lip the traffic immediatley clears.

I remember the first time our cheeks filled with pink sensation,

yes... it was the time i told you that little Jack was alive in my belly and you said, "Ive been waiting to hear the best news ever and I thank you for making me a father, " No, it was the first time my cheeks were painted in pink.




its a beautiful thing.

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